Maldivian Pilgrims Return Home After Travel Agency Turmoil

Maldivian Pilgrims who were left stranded in Mecca has now returned to the country, Mash’ar tours has said.
Around 50 pilgrims who travelled through Al-Mash’ar Tours group were stranded in Mecca after the cheque for their return tickets payment bounced. The issue occurred due to Mash’ar group failing to pay the travel agency in time.
Mash’ar Group told Sun that all pilgrims were brought back to Maldives on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A family member of the pilgrim told Mihaaru that the group initially asked the pilgrims to independently take return tickets. However, the pilgrims had previously paid the group for travel.
The Umrah package, priced at MVR 38,500, was supposed to cover a 21-day fasting Umrah, including return tickets, visas, travel, and accommodation with meals in Mecca and Medina.
Following the incident, Ministry of Islamic Affairs lodged a complaint with the police against the group to investigate the group for collecting funds from individuals contrary to established rules.
Ali Farish, the owner of Mash’ar Tours, had previously operated under the name Al Mash’ar Hajj and Umrah Group, until the ministry revoked the group’s permission due to bounced cheque incidents last year.