Completion of Several Projects Inaugurated in Gaafu Alif Atoll

Photo: The President’s Office
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih inaugurated the completion of several projects in GA. Dhevvadhoo, GA. Kanduhulhudhoo, GA. Gemanafushi and GA. Kondey.
Projects on Dhevvadhoo
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih arrived on Dhevvadhoo Island in Gaafu Alif Atoll yesterday and inaugurated the completion of a school extension and the FENAKA Office.
ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ، ގއ. ދެއްވަދޫ ސްކޫލުގެ އައު ޢިމާރާތާއި ފެނަކަ އޮފީސް ހުޅުއްވައިދެއްވައިފި. ދެއްވަދޫ ފެނަަކަަ އައު އޮފީސް ޢިމާރާތަކީ، ދަތިނުވެ 30 މުވައްޒަފުންނަށް މަސައްކަތް ކުރެވޭނެ ޖާގަ ތަނަވަސް ޒަމާނީ އޮފީސް ޢިމާރާތެއް.— The President’s Office (@presidencymv) August 9, 2023
The President is currently touring several islands in the atoll.
The new two-storey extension of Sultan Mohamed School on Dhevvadhoo Island comprises two classrooms, a health room, and a library. Wellman Maldives Pvt. Ltd. carried out the project.
The new FENAKA Office building comes with ample space for 30 employees. Located away from community residences, this project replaces the island’s previous powerhouse and demonstrates the administration’s commitment to addressing the challenges island residents face.
The President also inaugurated the Azzrova Pipe Factory, developed on Dhevvadhoo Island by a private business. Owned by Azzrova Maldives Pvt. Ltd., the factory specialises in the manufacture of pipes for water, sewerage, and other purposes.
Projects on Kanduhulhudhoo
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih arrived on Kanduhulhudhoo Island in Gaafu Alifu Atoll yesterday and marked the completion of several infrastructure development projects.
ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ގއ. ކަނޑުހުޅުދޫ، ފެނާއި ނަރުދަމާގެ މަޝްރޫޢުގެ ނިމުން ފާހަގަކޮށްދެއްވައި، ފެނަކަ އޮފީސް ޢިމާރާތާއި ވޮލީކޯޓު ހުޅުއްވައިދެއްވައިފި— The President’s Office (@presidencymv) August 9, 2023
These projects include the water and sewerage network, the FENAKA Office, and a volleyball court. The President opened the facilities during his ongoing visit to the atoll.
The water and sewerage network on Kanduhulhudhoo Island was contracted to Static Company Pvt. Ltd. The newly constructed FENAKA Office, located in the residential area of the island, is equipped with modern amenities and can accommodate up to 30 staff members.
Additionally, the powerhouse has been located away from residential areas.
Projects on Gemanafushi
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih visited Gemanafushi Island in Gaafu Alifu Atoll to mark the completion of several infrastructure development projects carried out by his administration.
These projects include the extension of the healthcare centre and the school’s 10-classroom extension, which was inaugurated yesterday, and the water supply system and the FENAKA Office, which was inaugurated on today.
ގއ. ގެމަނަފުށީގައި ޒަމާނީ ފެންވަރަށް ތަރައްޤީކޮށްފައިވާ، 30 މީހުންގެ ޖާގައިގެ ފެނަކަ އޮފީހާއި، އެރަށު ފެނުގެ ޚިދުމަތް ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ މިއަދު ފަށްޓަވައިދެއްވައިފި— The President's Office (@presidencymv) August 10, 2023
The newly inaugurated healthcare centre extension features an office, a public health unit, a conference room, a medical store, a general store, a garage, and laundry facilities. The project was contracted to Veeru Group Pvt. Ltd. and is part of the administration’s efforts to improve healthcare services in the nation.
The water supply network project was contracted to Triveni Engineering and Industries Ltd., while constructing the 10-classroom building, which sought to address space constraints at the school, was contracted to Swift Engineering Pvt. Ltd. The new FENAKA Office is modern building with ample space for 30 employees.
Projects on Kondey
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih inaugurated the new building of the Island Council, the new FENAKA Office, and the powerhouse on Kondey Island of Gaafu Alif Atoll today as part of his ongoing visit to the atoll.
ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ، ގއ. ކޮނޑޭ ކައުންސިލް އިދާރާގެ އައު ޒަމާނީ ފެންވަރަށް ތަރައްޤީކޮށްފައިވާ އޮފީސް ޢިމާރާތާއި، ޖާގަ ތަނަވަސް ފެނަކަ އައު އިންޖީނުގެއާއި އޮފީސް ޢިމާރާތް ހުޅުއްވައިދެއްވައިފި— The President's Office (@presidencymv) August 10, 2023
The new facilities will improve the quality of life for the island’s residents and boost economic development.
The Island Council building inaugurated by the President today is a spacious and modern office building. The project was contracted to A Man Maldives Pvt. Ltd.
The President inaugurated the new FENAKA office and powerhouse on Kondey Island today. The office is spacious and modern and can accommodate 30 employees. The powerhouse has an electricity generation capacity of 500 kilowatts. The old powerhouse was built 21 years ago.