Customs Reports USD 24 Million in Import-Export Revenues

MV+ News Desk | September 8, 2024

The Maldives Customs Service has announced that import and export revenues reached USD 24 million in July 2023, representing a 0.8% increase compared to the same period last year, when revenues stood at USD 23 million.

According to the latest data from Customs, goods valued at USD 300 million were imported in July, a slight decline from the USD 306 million recorded in July 2022.


The report highlights the United Arab Emirates (UAE), India, China, Singapore, and Sri Lanka as the top importing countries. Imports from the UAE totalled USD 64 million, followed by India with USD 50 million, China with USD 44 million, Singapore with USD 23 million, and Sri Lanka with USD 16 million. Key imports during the month included machinery, electrical equipment, oil products, and food items.

The statistics also indicate a decrease in exports, with goods valued at USD 4.2 million exported in July. The United Kingdom, Thailand, UAE, Bangladesh, and France were the primary export destinations.
