MP Azaan Opposes Spending on Judges’ Health Insurance

MV+ News Desk | July 9, 2024

Ahmed Azaan, MP for Hithadhoo Central Constituency, has stated that there is no justification for spending on the health insurance of judges and retired judges beyond what is currently allocated from taxpayers’ money.

Azaan’s remarks come in response to a motion by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to the Finance Committee, proposing that the state cover the entire cost of judges’ health insurance premiums, eliminating the current 10% self-payment requirement.


“The government is actively working to reduce costs and has announced various measures to that effect,” Azaan said. “Given these efforts, it is unreasonable to allocate an additional five million rupees for judges’ insurance.”

Currently, judges contribute 10% of their health insurance premiums. The JSC’s request to abolish this co-payment is not standard practice worldwide, Azaan pointed out. “In no other country is it done this way,” he explained.

Azaan argued that removing the 10% co-payment requirement would place an unnecessary financial burden on taxpayers, potentially leading to increased national debt.

He suggested that other agencies be consulted for their advice, as they might offer more efficient plans for managing judges’ health insurance.
