MP Calls for Revising Parliamentary Requirements to Enhance Higher Education

MV+ News Desk | July 10, 2024

South Galolhu MP and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) member Meekail Ahmed Naseem has called for a revision of the requirements to become a parliament member in order to better develop and facilitate higher education opportunities in the Maldives.

He argued that such a revision is essential for genuinely developing and facilitating higher education opportunities in the Maldives.


Addressing the amendment to the Higher Education Act, Meekail highlighted the significant sacrifices made by youth to attain higher education, only to end up working under political figures who lack educational backgrounds.

“If this parliament has true intentions in this matter, the first thing that should be done is to have some form of qualification when applying to become a member,” Meekail stated.

He stressed that issues affecting the future of the country’s youth should be addressed starting from the parliament itself.

Meekail also criticised the government, alleging that it is failing to provide necessary funds for students studying abroad. Additionally, he pointed out the contradiction between the government’s claim to cut expenses and the continuous hiring of new political appointees.

The amendment to the Higher Education Act, discussed today, proposes reducing the conditions required for a college to obtain university status. According to the amendment, a college must operate for 15 consecutive years and meet several other requirements before it can be designated as a university.
