MTCC to Introduce 24-Hour Bus Service Linking Male’ City and Hulhumale’

Photo: MV+
The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has announced a significant modification to its bus service, extending its operating hours to 24/7 for the route connecting Male’ City and Hulhumale’.
Commencing from 12:30 am onwards, the new schedule aims to cater to the needs of employees working late-night shifts in various agencies.
Adam Azim, the CEO of MTCC, cited the primary motivation behind this decision as providing enhanced convenience to individuals who complete their professional responsibilities during nocturnal hours. The expanded service will involve bus departures every hour, commencing from 12:30 am and extending until 5:30 am.
Azim further added that the introduction of a 24-hour bus service is anticipated to alleviate the reliance on taxis, which often entail higher fares during off-peak hours. Emphasising the adaptability of the bus service, he mentioned that adjustments to the operating hours could be considered based on public demand in the future.
Presently, MTCC offers two fare tiers for the Male’ – Hulhumale’ Phase 1 route, priced at MVR 10 per person, and Phase 2 at MVR 15 per person. The prior operational timeframe of the bus service, which ran from 5:30 am to 12:30 pm, is now extended to provide round-the-clock coverage.
Apart from this pivotal alteration, MTCC also provides comprehensive bus services for inter-city transit between Male’ and Hulhumale’, along with mini-bus services catering to transportation needs within Male’ and Villimale’.