MTCC’s Sh. Milandhoo Harbour Project Marks 53% Completion in Block Installation

Photo: MTCC
The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) reports steady advancement in the Sh. Milandhoo Harbour Development Project with the block installation work at 53% completion. The fourth shipment of concrete blocks for the construction of the quay wall, has been successfully delivered to the site.
The project’s dredging components include maintenance dredging operations covering 17,900 cubic metres, new harbour basin dredging of 72,938 cubic metres, and channel dredging operations spanning 8,400 cubic metres.
In terms of structural works, the project entails the construction of a 583-metre breakwater, a 316-metre quay wall, a 93-metre revetment, and a 25-metre groyne. Additionally, two bridges are to be built along with a 130m x 2m jetty and an access platform.
To complement these major construction works, 3,863 square metres of pavement will be laid, and the installation of harbour and navigational lights will ensure the safety and functionality of the harbour.
The total value for the project stands at MVR 76.44 million.