Muizzu’s New Ministries: A Reformation of Governance

Photo: The President’s Office
With the coronation of the new government, newly sworn-in President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has brought several changes to the Ministries. Previously, the number of Ministries stood at 19, whereas, the Muizzu’s government will hold 21 Ministries with major changes to their function.
In this article, we will highlight the changes made to the Ministries by Muizzu’s government in comparison to the previous administration.
One notable adjustment in President Muizzu’s cabinet is the incorporation of trade into the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. In contrast, the previous administration, led by President Solih, only had the Ministry of Economic Development.
President Muizzu’s government has also redefined the Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources. It now includes Ocean Resources and has been separated from the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources, and Agriculture, as established in President Solih’s cabinet.
Additionally, President Muizzu’s administration has opted for a change in nomenclature, transforming the Ministry of Gender, Family, and Social Services into the Ministry of Social and Family Development.
In the realm of youth affairs, President Solih’s Ministry of Youth included Sports and Community Empowerment. However, in Muizzu’s cabinet, the Ministry of Youth Empowerment encompasses Information and Arts.
Environmental concerns have also seen a shift. While President Solih’s cabinet had the Ministry of Environment combined with Technology, President Muizzu’s cabinet has restructured it to include climate change and energy.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Home Affairs in President Solih’s cabinet has undergone a transformation in President Muizzu’s administration. Renamed as the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology, it now includes a focus on technology.
President Muizzu’s cabinet has introduced Dhivehi Language to the Ministry of Culture and Heritage, separating arts from this ministry. In contrast, President Solih’s cabinet had the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage.
The Ministry of Higher Education in President Muizzu’s administration has expanded to include Labour and Skills Development.
In President Muizzu’s cabinet, the portfolio of Constructions and Infrastructure has been separated and established as a new ministry. This marks a departure from the arrangement in President Solih’s cabinet, where Infrastructure was incorporated within the Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure.
Notably, President Muizzu has established a new ministry called the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare. This ministry separates agriculture from the fisheries ministry and includes a focus on Animal Welfare.
In President Solih’s cabinet, Information and Arts were not part of the Youth Ministry. However, in President Muizzu’s cabinet, Information and Arts have been integrated into the Ministry of Youth.
President Muizzu has concluded the restructuring with the creation of a new ministry, the Ministry of Cities, Local Government, and Public Works.