Severe Flooding Impacts 75 Homes in Henbadhoo Following Heavy Rain
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has reported that 75 homes in N. Henbadhoo have been affected by severe flooding following continuous heavy rainfall since early yesterday.
ރާއްޖެއަށް މިހާރު ކުރަމުންދާ ވިއްސާރައިގައި ނ.ހެނބަދޫގައި ފެން ބޮޑުވެ، މީހުން ދިރިއުޅޭ ގޭގެއަށް ފެންވަންނާތީ، އެ ރަށުގެ ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އެހީތެރިކަން ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް އެމްއެންޑީއެފް ނޮދަން އޭރިއާ ކޮމާންޑް، ނައިފަރު ފަޔަރ ސްޓޭޝަނުން ހަރަކާތްތެރިވާން ފަށައިފި.
— Maldives National Defence Force (@MNDF_Official) December 17, 2024
According to reports, the island experienced relentless rain from 6:30am until 11:00pm on December 17, resulting in floods exceeding two feet in some areas. The flooding has caused significant damage to household items within the affected homes.
މިއަދު ހެނދުނު ނ.ހެނބަދޫއަށް ވާރޭވެހި ފެންބޮޑުވުމުގެ ސަބަބުން އެރަށުގެ 75 ގެއަކަށް ވަނީ ފެންވަދެ އެކިވަރުގެ ގެއްލުންތައް ލިބިފައި. ހެނބަދޫ ކައުންސިލާއި އެމް.އެން.ޑީ.އެފް ގެ އެހީތެރިކަމާއެކު ފެން ހިއްކުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް މިހާރު ދަނީ ކުރަމުން.— NDMA Maldives (@NDMAmv) December 17, 2024
The NDMA confirmed that damage to the affected homes varies in severity, with assessments ongoing.
The Maldives is currently experiencing a spell of adverse weather. Earlier in the day, yellow alerts were issued for northern and central islands, warning of torrential rain and thunderstorms.
Flooding in Henbadhoo follows days of inclement weather across the region, adding to the challenges faced by communities in low-lying areas.